昨天下午走了一個小時到大統華買了一點菜 走回家之後 晚上整理了一下家裡:吸吸地板 洗洗床單和一籃衣物 想好了今天要到溫哥華是中心走走 好久沒有享受一個人散步(無所事事) 的樂趣了
第一站是想去很久了的一家比利時鬆餅屋 會知道這家店的原因其實很妙 有點可愛也有點怪 之前在公車上跟朋友講電話時聊到鬆餅 坐我隔壁一個很可愛的奶奶馬上熱情推薦了一家她很喜歡的店
看著她眉飛色舞的描述 讓我不禁心動了起來 暗自下定決心溫書假的時候一定要去一窺究竟
今天天氣很好 陽光普照 走在路上感覺無比地舒服自在
下了公車之後走約5分多鐘找到了在小路裡的Patisserie Lebeau
這家店的名字就是老闆的姓 道地的比利時人 我到的時候12點吧 但是店內不到10個座位早已坐滿 正好讓我好好看看展示櫃裡的東西 收銀台後面全是各式各樣的法國麵包 光是棍子麵包就有3-4種 貼心的老闆還有賣迷你版的棍子麵包(長度是一般的一半左右)這簡直是位我量身訂做的demi baguette啊! 當然要買個一條來吃吃
下兩層擺滿了堆積如山的棍子麵包三明治 口味繁複 有雞肉沙拉 蛋沙拉 鮪魚沙拉 火腿起司 南法蕃茄蔬菜奶酪等等 還有各種不同的法式鹹派(quiche Lorraine) 不過特別的是他們家特有的招牌: 比利時鬆餅三明治! (他們三種鬆餅中的其中之一)
嘿嘿 就是把鬆餅變成麵包 中間夾不同的餡料 要吃的時候再加熱 很多人點 感覺跟panini有些相似呢!
最上層就是最受歡迎的比利時鬆餅 gaufres de Liège! 有分大小兩size 外型相當討人喜歡 口味繁複 我記得的有 中間夾白巧克力外面裹上一層層杏仁片的 巧克力碎片 外面裹比利時牛奶巧克力醬的 多種水果口味例如芒果 蔓越莓 橘子 肉桂蘋果等等 令人目不暇給 幸好有提供試吃 (老闆就把幾個比較受歡迎的口味裝在盤子裡 放置在台子上給大家吃吃看!)
當然也有賣法式點心囉! 舉凡是原味可頌麵包 巧克力夾心 杏仁等等 還有檸檬賣派 杏仁派 覆盆子藍莓桑葚派 我都記不得了
看著她眉飛色舞的描述 讓我不禁心動了起來 暗自下定決心溫書假的時候一定要去一窺究竟
今天天氣很好 陽光普照 走在路上感覺無比地舒服自在
下了公車之後走約5分多鐘找到了在小路裡的Patisserie Lebeau

臨走之前買了一條迷你棍子麵包 老闆熟練地唰一聲把棍子麵包"滑"進袋子裡 一整天都聞著棍子麵包的香味 真是無比地幸福
接著我走過橋 到了downtown 跑去English Bay海邊晃了一下 也逛了久違的Robson and Granville
1728 W. 2nd Ave. (at Burrard)
Open from Tuesdays-Saturdays (closed Sundays and Mondays)
I'm not a Waffle aficionado; in fact, I am not even a regular waffle-eater. Waffles are eaten on special occasions, or namely at times when I feel the sudden cravings. This weekend marks the beginning of the one-week Reading Break, so I decided to give myself a day off and just wander around Vancouver, aimlessly in the most part. Thankfully it was a glorious and beautiful day, sunny and a bit breezy, which was perfect for taking a stroll through the streets of downtown. I stopped by Patisserie Lebeau at around noon because a really nice elderly lady strongly recommended their waffles. It was a much smaller shop than I thought it would be; the limited seating meant queques, but fast-moving ones since many customers got their waffles, pastries, sandwiches, and breads to go.
They serve three kinds of waffles at Lebeau: gaufres de Liège, which were topped with pearl sugar, imported from Belgium, gaufres de Bruxelles, the rectangular waffles that were more fluffy in texture and usually stuffed with savory fillings such as ham and cheese, and the Saturday special waffles with toppings that change seasonally. Today they were poached pear with caramel, cinnamon apple compote, and a combination of fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, and plums).
I wanted to try a variety of flavours, and fortunately the considerate staff put plates of their most popular flavours on the counter as free samples. I enjoyed the white chocolate with almond, but the original gaufre de Liege remained my favourite.
Aside from their renowned waffles, a variety of pastries, ranging from plain croissants to pain au chocolat, danishes, fruit tarts, savory pies and quiche Lorraine, as well as baguette and waffle sandwiches with interesting fillings such as brie-and-chicken, curried chicken salad, etc, were also served. It is definitely one of THE places to go for a relaxing brunch on a Saturday morning, or even for a little indulgence of sweet tooth during the week!
Open from Tuesdays-Saturdays (closed Sundays and Mondays)
I'm not a Waffle aficionado; in fact, I am not even a regular waffle-eater. Waffles are eaten on special occasions, or namely at times when I feel the sudden cravings. This weekend marks the beginning of the one-week Reading Break, so I decided to give myself a day off and just wander around Vancouver, aimlessly in the most part. Thankfully it was a glorious and beautiful day, sunny and a bit breezy, which was perfect for taking a stroll through the streets of downtown. I stopped by Patisserie Lebeau at around noon because a really nice elderly lady strongly recommended their waffles. It was a much smaller shop than I thought it would be; the limited seating meant queques, but fast-moving ones since many customers got their waffles, pastries, sandwiches, and breads to go.
They serve three kinds of waffles at Lebeau: gaufres de Liège, which were topped with pearl sugar, imported from Belgium, gaufres de Bruxelles, the rectangular waffles that were more fluffy in texture and usually stuffed with savory fillings such as ham and cheese, and the Saturday special waffles with toppings that change seasonally. Today they were poached pear with caramel, cinnamon apple compote, and a combination of fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, and plums).
I wanted to try a variety of flavours, and fortunately the considerate staff put plates of their most popular flavours on the counter as free samples. I enjoyed the white chocolate with almond, but the original gaufre de Liege remained my favourite.
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