Thursday, November 1, 2007


早餐為美好的一天揭開序幕 我通常早餐都吃什麼呢?

1) 能量早餐: Whole-wheat toasts with home-made jam and a serving of fresh fri on the side

2)涼爽早餐: Freshly squeezed juice (veggie or fruit) with half of a bagel topped with non-fat cream cheese

3)懶惰早餐: Yogurt with fresh fruit and granola or Skim milk and cereal

4)媽媽做的中式早餐: 地瓜稀飯 不過我好像只喜歡吃地瓜

5)高纖早餐: Vegetable juice ( usually apple, celery, and carrot) and a small muffin

6)法式早餐: French toast with maple syrup OR Les Crêpes aux fruits

7)元氣早餐: Omelette with vegetables and a slice of fat-free cheese OR an English muffin

我對早餐情有獨鍾 除了不喜歡吃馬鈴薯和火腿跟培根(和臘腸)以外

滑嫩的炒蛋 蛋包還有蔬果是我一天充沛活力的來源!

當然 法式煎薄餅或可麗餅也是我喜歡做的一道早餐 Les crêpes跟台灣賣的那種 最大的不同應該是 法式薄餅皮是柔軟而且相當相當薄的 上面有著許多小孔 台灣改良式的比較脆一些些  等我寫Montreal遊記的時候再慢慢說吧


Les crêpes

2/3 cup all-purpose or whole-wheat flour ( or buckwheat) 萬用麵粉 2/3杯

1 cup skim milk 1杯低脂牛奶

1/2 cup water ( that's if you want it more dilute) 1/2杯水

1/2 tsp. salt 1茶匙鹽巴

3-4 egg whites 3-4蛋白或全蛋 但我都只用蛋白

In a medium mixing bowl, blend all ingredients for 30 seconds. Scrape down sides. Beat for 15 seconds more. Cover and let sit for 1 hour (this helps the flour absorb more of the liquids)

Makes 12-14

取一個大碗或鍋子 把全部材料加進去用電動打蛋器拌勻 靜置約1小時 幫助麵粉吸收水分 這是魁北克媽媽告訴我的小秘方

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