Monday, January 28, 2008

Ratatouille 濃濃南法味:普羅旺斯燉蔬菜

前幾年在Aix-en-Provence 吃過了令人難忘的Ratatouille之後 那種滋味就深深的烙印在我的心底 可是一直沒被挖掘出來 前些日子終於看了可愛的動畫料理鼠王 英文名稱恰好叫做Ratatouille! 最後讓柯柏痛哭流涕 觸動了他兒時回憶的那道菜就是Ratatouille

Ratatouille有個很好聽的名字 也就是普羅旺斯雜燴(悶燒蔬菜) "rata"是法國軍人口語中濃濃的燉湯的意思 而"touiller"是個動詞 就是攪拌(stir) 合起來 顧名思義就變成 "ratatouille"啦! "普羅旺斯雜燴(悶燒蔬菜)"最最最不可或缺的材料就是新鮮的番茄 用它來熬湯 濃郁又有點酸甜 配上義大利絲瓜及茄子 就是最原始的ratatouille... 不過既然是雜燴蔬菜 也可以加各式各種當季的新鮮食材 例如洋蔥 紅椒 黃椒 蘑菇等等 更添加季節的美味

Ratatouille有很多種作法 有用燉的 也有用烤的 我從
French Women Don't Get Fat取得的食譜是慢火熬煮..所需時間雖然有點長 不過成品實在是太令人滿意了!! 熱騰騰的湯頭 酸酸甜甜的番茄 已經燉的晶瑩剔透的義大利絲瓜和入口即化的茄子 大蒜和羅勒basil 交織出來的調味 簡單 健康又能直接品嚐蔬菜原始的味道 我沒有加橄欖油 不過喜歡的人可以再把蔬菜放進鍋子裡之前塗抹上一層薄薄的橄欖油 或者是在香料大蒜上淋一些 也有很香的味道

What does the word "ratatouille" mean?

Ratatouille is a French dish. The name is comprised of two components:

  • "rata" is slang from the French Army meaning "chunky stew"
  • touiller, "to stir"

Thus, the meaning of the word is a chunky stew that is stirred.

  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 medium or large eggplant, sliced
  • 1 can stewed tomatoes*( I use fresh Romano tomatoes)
  • 1 medium courgette/zucchini, sliced
  • add herbs as desired ( I love basil)
  • olive oil (enough to sauté garlic)* I omitted it
  • salt and pepper to taste
1 綠節瓜 切薄片
1 茄子切薄片

2 羅馬蕃茄 切薄片

2 羅馬蕃茄泥 或 半罐蕃茄泥 或 半罐蕃茄醬

3 辦大蒜 普羅旺斯香草 (羅勒)
很多的parsley (香菜)


少許 鹽 胡椒

開小火 先把切片的茄子平放置鍋底 疊上一些大蒜 羅勒 (喜歡橄欖油的可以淋一些)
之後擺上切片的番茄 疊上大蒜跟羅勒

(所以就是說把蔬菜一種種 一層層的排放好 中間加入香料)
用小火喔!! 蓋上鍋蓋 燉2.5-3小時 真的是香味四溢 ~ 最後加入鹽和胡椒調味

令人感到溫暖又幸福 像普羅旺斯的一道菜 Voila! Et Bon Appetit!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Scallop-Courgette Mille feuille with Caramelized Onions and Mushrooms

As usual, I was browing through one of my favourite food blogs La Tarine Gourmande when I came across the recipe of this tantalizing "L'aubergine dans un millefeuille". I had used up the last bits of the aubergine (eggplant) for the ratatouille I made the night before, but I entered the kitchen feeling inspired.

I was in the mood for some courgettes, or zucchini, that night, and I thought to myself, "why not make a courgette millefeuille wannabe?" As a seafood lover, I incorporated some fresh scallops and served the dish with caramelized onions and mushrooms. It is an incredibly easy recipe, but simply satisfying!
Scallop- Courgette Millefeuille

5-7 scallops (dependent on size)
chicken broth* (if you use olive oil, then this can be omitted. If not, add chicken broth or water to prevent sticking)
fresh red chilli to taste (finely diced)
Fresh Basil (or dried if you don't have any)
salt and pepper to taste

Clean and wash the scallop; drain.
Pre-heat the pan. Add a drizzle of olive oil (I omitted the oil)
Put the scallops in the pan. If you didn't add any oil, then you could add some chicken broth or water to prevent the scallops from sticking.
Add basil and salt and pepper to taste.
Save the juices. Remove from heat
Saute the thinly sliced courgettes with some garlic. Add the juices you saved earlier.

Bon appetit!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My first DOV experience: Chambar

Dine Out Vancouver 2008
年一度的Dine Out Vancouver 從一月十六至二月三日這段期間 共有182間共襄盛舉的餐館 各自提供$15, $25,以及 $35三種不同價位的 3-course menu 包含前菜 (appetizer) 主菜(entree) 以及甜點(dessert) 今年我跟三五好友決定嘗試$25 menu的餐廳 精挑細選之後看上了一間溫哥華當地人氣非常高好評如潮的比利時餐廳Chambar 它讓我放棄嘗試法國餐廳的機會 所以並不難想像我的期待指數

Chambar座落於溫哥華市中心 距離GM Place和Chinatown只有一小段距離 只有提供晚餐的Chambar需訂位 但是並不好訂 聽朋友說她之前生日派對早在一個月前就定好位置才吃的到 所以在Dine Out這段期間可以說是一桌難求 我們很幸運的在3個星期前訂到了5pm 三位的一桌

I have heard phenomenal reviews about the popular Belgian restaurant, Chambar, which has since then been at the top of my "must-go" list. As soon as we found out that Chambar is one of the participants of DOV 2008, we instantly decided to plan a night-out in advance. Although we had made a reservation three weeks ago, were were only able to secure a table for three at 5pm because they had been all booked until the end of DOV.

When we first got there...Located right beside the Stadium Skytrain Station, Chambar has an toned-down exterior without fancy neon lights or huge signs indicating its name, only a huge clear glass window through which we got our first glimpse of the restaurant. The three of us arrived at 5pm thinking that we might be the only ones who were going to dine at such early hours; however, through the glass windows we saw many people already waiting in the lounge area. Housed in an ancient building with high ceilings with classic furnishings, abstract paintings, and a bustling, fashionable atmosphere, Chambar successfully establishes a casual elegant yet cozy dining environment for its eager customers.
We were led by a courteous hostess into the inner sections of the restaurant, and as we passed by the kitchen I saw the staff busily preparing for the evening. We did not get the pacman-shaped booths upholstered in a modern, quilted red leather; however, we had a table not far away from the massive windows that gave us a view of the sunset. The lights that are hung from the ceiling are quite chic, and creates a harmonious juxtaposition with the exposed brick look. Our waiter who was very courteous brought us the menu.

Chambar整體的設計相當摩登 昏暗柔和的燈光 相當有質感的木製地板 掛在磚牆上的創意壁畫 時尚中帶著些許傳統 溫暖的感覺 我們的侍者帶來用不同顏色皮革包起來的menu 每一個上頭都有Chambar的logo和不同的浮水印 菜色不會繁複得令人無法招架 也不花俏的令人迷失在累贅繁複的形容當中

因為是比利時餐廳的緣故 菜單以法文為主 附上小小的英文解釋 挺可愛的

The Food
So this is what the evening is all about: enjoying great food with great company. The waiter asked if we were first timers at Chambar, and ensured us that "everything was good." Since we were a table of three, and there were three options for all courses, we made an intelligent decision of trying out the entire menu because everything DID look delicious. (Sharing is caring!)

點菜時間終於到了 我們的侍者自豪的保證絕對不會讓我們失望 其實每道菜看起來都令人食指大動 慶幸的是 因為每道都有三個選擇 我們三人決定完整的嘗試整個menu

We felt as if we did not wait at all for the food to arrive. The service was quick and professional. So here is what we ordered:

Les Petits Plats/ Appetizer/ 前菜

La Soupe de Mais et Crabe: Roasted corn & crab soup 奶油玉米螃蟹濃湯
The soup was of a creamy corn puree with chunks of fresh crab. The colour was gorgeous, making you feel warm. The soup ran down the throat very smoothly, and the richness of the cream was beautifully accentuated by the texture given by the roasted kernels. There was also a slight tinge of heat, but mild enough that it simply added a perfect end note to this soup that would make you melt like butter.

Carpaccio de Chevreuil: Venison carpaccio, roasted garlic & horseradish tapenade, golden yukon crisps, baby arugulaThis is BY FAR my favourite appetizer. Amazingly tender, the thin-sliced beef literally melted in my mouth. Each piece was soft and evenly coated with horseradish tapenade; topped with the roasted garlic puree the carpaccio was given a kick of flavour that exploded on the tastebuds. Or it could be eaten with the cheese, yukon crisps, and/or arugula, and in that case the texture was interesting and absolutely magical.

這道菜要特別介紹一下: Carpaccio 是指生的薄肉片 淋上一些醬汁冷盤類的前菜 將一片一片的生牛肉攤開在盤中 每一片都要切到有如透明般的薄片 上面覆上羅勒葉 新鮮黑胡椒 一些香料 再拌上同樣刨成薄片的起司 舖排在盤中 橄欖油和鮮檸檬汁則均勻的灑在牛肉片上 真的是色香味俱全的一道清爽冷盤 牛肉融化在舌尖上 有超滿足的感覺

Les Grosses Pièces/ Entrees/ 主菜

Truite et Ravioli: Absinthe butter crusted ruby trout, roasted pepper & goat cheese ravioli, citrus herb shaved fennel

This dish got perfect score for presentation: it was beautiful! On the bottom were generous portions of goat cheese ravioli, layered on top was the butter crusted trout, which was juicy and tender. The roasted pepper was a very nice touch to the dish. Oh c'est bon!

Boeuf Braise a la Kriek: Bellevue Kriek braised beef short ribs, hazelnut pomme puree, sour cherry compote
Now this reminded me of the daube de beouf i once had in a French restaurant. It was an extremely tender beef that literally fell apart. I was surprised to see it served with a sour cherry compote, but it proved to be a fantastic compliment to the creamy mash potato and the rich flavour of the beef.

Moules Congolaise: Mussels cooked with a tomato coconut cream. Smoked chili & lime

My friends have specially recommended me this dish. A good Belgian restaurant should serve excellent mussels! In Canterbury I had some delicious mussels at a Cafe Belge, and so I was looking forward to trying the mussels in Vancouver. It came in a massive pot that stunned all of us even though I had previously experienced this "shock". It was just fairly unexpected at a fancy restaurant where everything seemed to have to be beautifully presented in small portions on huge plates. The mussels were fresh and huge (much bigger than the ones I had in the UK), but what satisfied my mussel craving was surprisingly not the mussels themselves, but the SOUP BASE! The tomato coconut cream had chunks of tomatoes and caramelized onions in it, which collectively made it more addictive. I basically asked for another spoon and drank a huge portion of the soup on its own. Of course it would be great with some bread for dipping and pommes frites served with mayo, but I was not hungry enough to order a side dish. The combination of tomato cream with the mussels (you could even put a spoonful of the soup base in the shell of the mussels and just suck up all the goodness of the dish) was tantalizing. Another wonderful dish.

Les Desserts/ 甜點

Gaufre Liegoise: Belgian waffle, housemade vanilla ice cream & warm chocolate sauce
To tell the truth, I was disappointed. Not only was it nothing special, but the waffle itself was merely average. I would have liked my waffle to be nice and warm, fluffy and soft, so the texture and contrast with the vanilla ice cream could be accentuated. The chocolate sauce was a bit too sweet for me. Having just tasted the waffles that nearly made me cry (at a small French cafe called Cafe St. Pierre in Canterbury, UK) I was not surprised to find this dull and taste just "ok." In general I would not order it again.

Le Fromage: Daily cheese, spiced quince jam & toasted fig breadI am not a big fan of this one, although the toasted fig bread was chewy and aromatic (with a tinge of cinnamon). Again I was not wowed by it.

Pot de crème: Matcha pot de crème, lemon sable & blueberry compoteThis was the dessert I had been anticipating. As an enthusiastic fan of matcha I was looking forward to discovering the fusion of this Japanese staple ingredient with a Western twist. The colour itself was calming, and the blueberry compote really did stand out. The lemon shortbread on the edge of the pot was a nice touch as well. Again, full points for presentation. The pot was like a smooth matcha-flavoured custard, but I thought it was a tiny bit too sweet.

Last but not least... My first DOV experience was pretty good, not disappointing, yet not "phenomenal". Chambar was an amazing restaurant from its decor, service (which was friendly and attentive), to the variety of dishes on the menu; however, I was not "touched" by it. Having said that the appetizers and main courses were very delicious, and I would still recommend it.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


一直以來都覺得茄子(aubergine)是個非常可愛 外觀相當美的食物 可是礙於價格我並不常買 那天無意間發現了便宜的茄子 圓圓胖胖 帶著深紫色相當新鮮的感覺 忍不住買了幾條

連續吃了好幾天不同的茄子料理 相當滿足 在查食譜的時候 (和看阿基師)發現很多時候 茄子的烹調方法都是油炸 茄子是個相當會吸油的東西 但是油炸能夠降低茄子氧化的速度 因此成品也能完美的保持茄子鮮豔的色澤
可是 用油炸似乎熱量高了一些 所以 我大多改用蒸 燙 燜 燉 煎 或是烤的方式 讓茄子肉 還是保持嫩綠的顏色

義大利麵.... 看你要吃多少

洋蔥.....1/4 個
罐頭蕃茄.....幾大匙+ 一些新鮮番茄
乾燥的Basil(羅勒).....1小匙 (或是義大利綜合香料)

1.洋蔥切丁 蒜頭拍打切碎 罐頭蕃茄切小塊 全部備用
2.先將蒜頭 乾燥的Basil爆香 加入一些高湯 防止鍋子變乾乾的
6.滾後轉小火續煮15~20 分鐘

茄子切片後放入加了鹽與醋的水,淨泡約幾十秒 撈起茄子 用紙巾擦乾水份 再放入鍋中煎到表面微
煮麵煮麵大學問 怎麼煮出Al Dente的麵
取另一深鍋 加適量水 大火煮滾
放入義大利麵 高湯塊(或鹽巴) 與少許橄欖油 <這一道是黃阿慈大美女秘密傳授的"撇步"喔>


如 果煮好的麵不是立即要吃 麵瀝乾後就要趕快浸在冷水中迅速的「洗」一下後再瀝乾

最後擺盤 加上醬 以及少許Basil 就ok啦!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Full English Breakfast 改良式傳統英式早餐

The Traditional English Breakfast

到了英國 一定得嚐嚐在世界上享有盛名的英式早餐. 不同於Continental Breakfast玉米片加上牛奶與鮮果汁 簡單快速的搭配 英式早餐是相當豐盛的
我們在London倫敦住了旅館就有提供英式早餐 不過走在街上不時也可以發現許多售有英式早餐的咖啡店 餐廳 甚至是bar 無論什麼時候都可以吃到英式早餐 後來我才覺得 美味可口的英式早餐早已超過了 "早餐"的範圍 演變成一種英國人引以為傲的飲食文化 一種生活方式


大致上來說 英式早餐包括

  • 烤番茄 (tomatoes)
  • 蛋 (通常是荷包蛋 egg sunny-side-up or poached eggs)
  • 香腸 鹹肉或培根 (bacon, sausage, or black pudding)
  • 茄汁黃豆 (baked beans)
  • 香煎磨菇 (grilled mushrooms)
  • 吐司(搭配 牛油及果醬 with butter and jam)
  • 飲料(最經典的是濃濃的英式早餐茶English Breakfast Tea 也有咖啡或橙汁)

籃子裡一片片金黃色 香噴噴的烤土司先端上桌 搭配果醬與奶油 和一大杯英式早餐茶 為這頓豐富的早餐揭開了完美的序幕 接著上場的就是英式早餐了

第一次看到英式早餐 著實被它十足的分量嚇了一跳 標準英式早餐中這麼多花樣的菜色不是供客人選用其中幾樣 而是全都放在一 個大餐盤裡一次端上桌讓客人大快朵頤

我個人特別喜歡茄汁黃豆 茄汁佐土司特別的好吃

其實英國人並不是天天都吃英式早餐的 聽說現在通常只有周末的早午餐 大家才比較勤奮的準備這傳統的味道


回到加拿大以後 我三不五時會回想當時吃的早餐 後來想想 其實一套傳統的英式早餐並不是很符合現代人的健康概念的 它擁有過多脂肪 牛油和油

所以我便改良了傳統英式早餐 重點是並不是非得要湊齊這些所有的菜色才算英式早餐

一般而言 不可或缺的重點是主菜中的蛋 培根 香腸與茄汁燉黃豆 再來個烤土司與果醬就是一套小而美的精簡版英式早餐 再泡上一壺咖啡與一壺Whittard的早餐茶Breakfast Tea 我把煎蛋改良成poached eggs 省略了香腸 (其實是因為家裡沒有)並用新鮮水果取代 多一些蔬菜 加上自己燉的豆豆 最後吐司不加牛油(沾黃豆的醬汁或塗抹果醬) 就是我有點特別 健康滿點的活力英式早餐! 星期六的上午我可以悠閒的享受一個豐富美味的早晨 讓滿滿的美食帶給我一天美好的開始!


1 egg per person
2 rashers bacon per person

mushrooms, wiped and peeled and stalks removed

tomatoes cut in half
whole-wheat toast
baked beans

oil for frying as preferred (can be omitted)

Lay the bacon in the pan (you can add a small amount of oil if you like, but I don't). When the bacon begins to cook, push them to one side in the pan and put the mushrooms in, adding a little water if necessary.

Keep turning the bacon, making sure they do not burn.
When the bacon are cooked to your liking, remove then onto a plate and put in a warm oven.
Push the mushrooms aside in the pan and put in the tomatoes.

In the other pan bring some water to a boil and add a small amount of vinegar add salt. Poach the egg ( you can also fry it, but to reduce the oil needed I choose to poach the eggs)

Keep an eye on the mushrooms and tomatoes
Remove the mushrooms and tomatoes and put in the oven with the bacon
Using a fish slice remove the eggs, taking care not to break them, and put them on a plate
Put slices of bread in the toaster. Prepare your preferred type of jam (and butter if you like)
Serve with Freshly brewed Traditional English Breakfast Tea, orange juice, or any beverage of your choice!

Bon appetit!

Friday, January 18, 2008

快速做晚餐 --- 簡易的茄子綜合蛋包飯

Omuraisu 黃金蛋包飯
那天晚上飢腸轆轆地回到家 隨意做了日式蛋包飯
半熟的蛋配上茄子洋蔥和蔬菜以及番茄醬汁 表現出來的感覺也挺賞心悅目的
蛋皮相當地滑嫩可口 而且可以吃出蛋的香味及一點點牛奶味

可能是一整天下來也正好餓了吧 所以隨便煮煮都是好吃的!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


今天晚上不知為什麼 突然好想吃小米粥
配菜有 木耳紅蘿蔔炒高麗菜 洋蔥炒蛋 以及 燉香菇茄子
其實沒什麼特別的 只是煮得很開心

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The "Scone" Wonderland 英式下午茶&Scone

Bettys Café Tea Rooms
這次的英國行 非常幸運地造訪了古色古香卻又相當可愛的城市: 約克 York 很幸運的認識了很會照顧人的妮可小姐
在導覽裡就看到了一家傳說中"不吃會後悔"的下午茶Tea Room 享負盛名的Bettys Café Tea Rooms 座落於 St. Helen Square 非常具有現代風格的外觀 櫥窗裡滿滿的都是令人垂涎三尺的各樣糕點 麵包 內部裝潢很有英國傳統典雅舒適的風格
這是我們到達約克後的第一站 早上11點多就出現在Bettys的原因是為了避免人潮 儘管Bettys有地下室跟一樓兩層 座位不少 但無時無刻都是高朋滿座 我們剛坐下就發現店外的隊伍已經排到轉角處了
幸運地我們有落地窗旁非常完美的座位 在下著雪的天裡 窗外的聖誕樹變成了最有過節氣氛的背景 我們點了Traditional Afternoon Tea 是最傳統 最著名 最豐富 最漂亮 也最美味的三層下午茶套餐
第一層是有4種不同口味:煙燻鮭魚 火腿 雞胸肉以及 蛋沙拉的迷你三明治
第二層則是我個人最最最最最愛的英式傳統SCONE!!! 搭配著Yorkshire Clotted Cream跟覆盆子口味的果醬
連我這種不太愛吃 cream 的人都塗滿了強推款唷! 那cream 冰過之後抹起來非常滑順 有一點點像冰淇淋或類的口感 而且奶味不會太重...真的是好好吃 好吃到欲罷不能 有那種快哭出來的感動啊

第三層則是甜點 有巧克力慕斯泡芙 藍莓覆盆子水果塔 以及水果乾蛋糕

我好喜歡這種悠閒的氣息 一壺茶 一些點心 我 慈慈跟妮可三個人 一邊聊一邊享受在味蕾上跳動的奇蹟

回到加拿大之後 這令人難忘的滋味讓我下定決心 1.再去英國 2.尋訪好吃的scone 不過我發現這裡的scone大多都是三角形的 而且很少有葡萄乾的口味 反而是綜何苺子 或鹹的起司口味較為普遍 圓的scone就叫做English tea biscuit 可是真的沒有記憶中的好吃 差的好遠今天晚上突然好想自己試著再做一次 所以做了楓糖漿口味的scone 加了多一點點香醇 少了奶油味 (因為我沒用牛油 用了reduced fat margarine) 但多了一些些加拿大的味道 其實還蠻好吃的 比外面賣的多了健康~~
明天可以搭配著Whittard的English Breakfast Tea 只能這樣再小小的回味一下屬於英式的風情

Thursday, January 10, 2008

好吃文字燒 Okonomiyaki


從英國回來的這幾天 不知道是懶惰 忙碌 還是沒有心思好好地煮飯 在英國的那些日子裡 我特別享受在廚房忙東忙西的樂趣 開心的是有可以分享的人

那天從英國回來 第一樣煮的菜居然是麻婆豆腐 不是因為特別喜歡這道菜的緣故 而是因為想做衣道有"家"的味道的料理...翻著食譜才決定作的

今天晚上有一種想吃大阪燒的衝動 加上我愛吃的海鮮 就變成了超級無敵美味的好吃燒了
先將海鮮燙熟備用.. 麵糊、蛋及高麗菜攪拌成雜菜糊煎3到5分鐘 煎好的海鮮放在餅狀的麵糊上 翻面後再煎3分鐘 最後刷上用蔬菜、水果熬製的燒醬料 撒上海苔及柴魚粉 擠上日式美乃滋 就做好了! 熱熱的好吃燒 配上一碗味增湯 就是今天的晚餐啦!

Japanese Cabbage - 1/2 of a head, approx. 300g
Nagaimo (Chinese yam) or Yamaimo Powder - 1 package
Okonomiyaki-ko (Okonomiyaki Flower) -3/4 cup

Water or Milk - 160 cc

Eggs x 2
Seafood (whatever you like)
Okonomiyaki sauce - Moderate Amount
Mayone-zu (Japanese Mayonnaise) - Moderate Amount
Katsuobushi (Dried bonito) - Moderate Amount

Ao-Nori (Green Seaweed Flakes) - Moderate Amount
Vegetable Oil

1. Chop the cabbage to 1/4 of the head, cut off the core and shred.
2. Peel a nagaimo (chinese yam) and grate. Wrap it with paper towel to prevent it from slipping. At Japanese Specialty store also sells a great product called Yamaimo powder which works as a substitute for this.

3. Pour Okonomiyaki powder and water or milk into a bowl and mix until the lumps disappear and it is smooth. (If necessary, use a whisk to avoid creating lumps while mixing.)

4. Put eggs, nagaimo, sakuraebi (Sakura Shrimp), cabbage and the Okonomiyaki powder mixture together and mix it gently from the bottom to soak it with air.

5. Spread vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) on the heated hot plate or frying pan. Pour in half of the mixture gently to make a round shape. Cook it at 350 degrees for about 3 minutes. Then, put three pieces of pork on the top, make sure to stretch them thin.

6. Flip over and close the lid to steam for about 3 minutes.
Mix Mayonaise and Okonomi Sauce and spread it on top. Sprinkle katsuobushi (dried bonito) and aonori (Green Seaweed lettuce).