一年一度的Dine Out Vancouver 從一月十六至二月三日這段期間 總共有182間共襄盛舉的餐館 各自提供$15, $25,以及 $35三種不同價位的 3-course menu 包含前菜 (appetizer) 主菜(entree) 以及甜點(dessert) 今年我跟三五好友決定嘗試$25 menu的餐廳 精挑細選之後看上了一間溫哥華當地人氣非常高好評如潮的比利時餐廳Chambar 它讓我放棄嘗試法國餐廳的機會 所以並不難想像我的期待指數

I have heard phenomenal reviews about the popular Belgian restaurant, Chambar, which has since then been at the top of my "must-go" list. As soon as we found out that Chambar is one of the participants of DOV 2008, we instantly decided to plan a night-out in advance. Although we had made a reservation three weeks ago, were were only able to secure a table for three at 5pm because they had been all booked until the end of DOV.
When we first got there...
We were led by a courteous hostess into the inner sections of the restaurant, and as we passed by the kitchen I saw the staff busily preparing for the evening. We did not get the pacman-shaped booths upholstered in a modern, quilted red leather; however, we had a table not far away from the massive windows that gave us a view of the sunset. The lights that are hung from the ceiling are quite chic, and creates a harmonious juxtaposition with the exposed brick look. Our waiter who was very courteous brought us the menu.

The Food
So this is what the evening is all about: enjoying great food with great company. The waiter asked if we were first timers at Chambar, and ensured us that "everything was good." Since we were a table of three, and there were three options for all courses, we made an intelligent decision of trying out the entire menu because everything DID look delicious. (Sharing is caring!)
點菜時間終於到了 我們的侍者自豪的保證絕對不會讓我們失望 其實每道菜看起來都令人食指大動 慶幸的是 因為每道都有三個選擇 我們三人決定完整的嘗試整個menu
We felt as if we did not wait at all for the food to arrive. The service was quick and professional. So here is what we ordered:
Les Petits Plats/ Appetizer/ 前菜
La Soupe de Mais et Crabe: Roasted corn & crab soup 奶油玉米螃蟹濃湯
The soup was of a creamy corn puree with chunks of fresh crab. The colour was gorgeous, making you feel warm. The soup ran down the throat very smoothly, and the richness of the cream was beautifully accentuated by the texture given by the roasted kernels. There was also a slight tinge of heat, but mild enough that it simply added a perfect end note to this soup that would make you melt like butter.
Carpaccio de Chevreuil: Venison carpaccio, roasted garlic & horseradish tapenade, golden yukon crisps, baby arugula
這道菜要特別介紹一下: Carpaccio 是指生的薄肉片 淋上一些醬汁冷盤類的前菜 將一片一片的生牛肉攤開在盤中 每一片都要切到有如透明般的薄片 上面覆上羅勒葉 新鮮黑胡椒 一些香料 再拌上同樣刨成薄片的起司 舖排在盤中 橄欖油和鮮檸檬汁則均勻的灑在牛肉片上 真的是色香味俱全的一道清爽冷盤 牛肉融化在舌尖上 有超滿足的感覺
Les Grosses Pièces/ Entrees/ 主菜
Truite et Ravioli: Absinthe butter crusted ruby trout, roasted pepper & goat cheese ravioli, citrus herb shaved fennel
This dish got perfect score for presentation: it was beautiful! On the bottom were generous portions of goat cheese ravioli, layered on top was the butter crusted trout, which was juicy and tender. The roasted pepper was a very nice touch to the dish. Oh c'est bon!
Boeuf Braise a la Kriek: Bellevue Kriek braised beef short ribs, hazelnut pomme puree, sour cherry compote

Moules Congolaise: Mussels cooked with a tomato coconut cream. Smoked chili & lime

My friends have specially recommended me this dish. A good Belgian restaurant should serve excellent mussels! In Canterbury I had some delicious mussels at a Cafe Belge, and so I was looking forward to trying the mussels in Vancouver. It came in a massive pot that stunned all of us even though I had previously experienced this "shock". It was just fairly unexpected at a fancy restaurant where everything seemed to have to be beautifully presented in small portions on huge plates. The mussels were fresh and huge (much bigger than the ones I had in the UK), but what satisfied my mussel craving was surprisingly not the mussels themselves, but the SOUP BASE! The tomato coconut cream had chunks of tomatoes and caramelized onions in it, which collectively made it more addictive. I basically asked for another spoon and drank a huge portion of the soup on its own. Of course it would be great with some bread for dipping and pommes frites served with mayo, but I was not hungry enough to order a side dish. The combination of tomato cream with the mussels (you could even put a spoonful of the soup base in the shell of the mussels and just suck up all the goodness of the dish) was tantalizing. Another wonderful dish.
Les Desserts/ 甜點
Gaufre Liegoise: Belgian waffle, housemade vanilla ice cream & warm chocolate sauce
Le Fromage: Daily cheese, spiced quince jam & toasted fig bread
Pot de crème: Matcha pot de crème, lemon sable & blueberry compote

Last but not least...
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