The Traditional English Breakfast
到了英國 一定得嚐嚐在世界上享有盛名的英式早餐. 不同於Continental Breakfast玉米片加上牛奶與鮮果汁 簡單快速的搭配 英式早餐是相當豐盛的
我們在London倫敦住了旅館就有提供英式早餐 不過走在街上不時也可以發現許多售有英式早餐的咖啡店 餐廳 甚至是bar 無論什麼時候都可以吃到英式早餐 後來我才覺得 美味可口的英式早餐早已超過了 "早餐"的範圍 演變成一種英國人引以為傲的飲食文化 一種生活方式
大致上來說 英式早餐包括
- 烤番茄 (tomatoes)
- 蛋 (通常是荷包蛋 egg sunny-side-up or poached eggs)
- 香腸 鹹肉或培根 (bacon, sausage, or black pudding)
- 茄汁黃豆 (baked beans)
- 香煎磨菇 (grilled mushrooms)
- 吐司(搭配 牛油及果醬 with butter and jam)
- 飲料(最經典的是濃濃的英式早餐茶English Breakfast Tea 也有咖啡或橙汁)
籃子裡一片片金黃色 香噴噴的烤土司先端上桌 搭配果醬與奶油 和一大杯英式早餐茶 為這頓豐富的早餐揭開了完美的序幕 接著上場的就是英式早餐了
第一次看到英式早餐 著實被它十足的分量嚇了一跳 標準英式早餐中這麼多花樣的菜色不是供客人選用其中幾樣 而是全都放在一 個大餐盤裡一次端上桌讓客人大快朵頤
我個人特別喜歡茄汁黃豆 茄汁佐土司特別的好吃
其實英國人並不是天天都吃英式早餐的 聽說現在通常只有周末的早午餐 大家才比較勤奮的準備這傳統的味道
所以我便改良了傳統英式早餐 重點是並不是非得要湊齊這些所有的菜色才算英式早餐
一般而言 不可或缺的重點是主菜中的蛋 培根 香腸與茄汁燉黃豆 再來個烤土司與果醬就是一套小而美的精簡版英式早餐 再泡上一壺咖啡與一壺Whittard的早餐茶Breakfast Tea 我把煎蛋改良成poached eggs 省略了香腸 (其實是因為家裡沒有)並用新鮮水果取代 多一些蔬菜 加上自己燉的豆豆 最後吐司不加牛油(沾黃豆的醬汁或塗抹果醬)
1 egg per person
2 rashers bacon per person
mushrooms, wiped and peeled and stalks removed
tomatoes cut in half
whole-wheat toast
baked beans
oil for frying as preferred (can be omitted)
Lay the bacon in the pan (you can add a small amount of oil if you like, but I don't). When the bacon begins to cook, push them to one side in the pan and put the mushrooms in, adding a little water if necessary.
Keep turning the bacon, making sure they do not burn. When the bacon are cooked to your liking, remove then onto a plate and put in a warm oven.
Push the mushrooms aside in the pan and put in the tomatoes.
In the other pan bring some water to a boil and add a small amount of vinegar add salt. Poach the egg ( you can also fry it, but to reduce the oil needed I choose to poach the eggs)
Keep an eye on the mushrooms and tomatoes
Remove the mushrooms and tomatoes and put in the oven with the bacon
Using a fish slice remove the eggs, taking care not to break them, and put them on a plate
Put slices of bread in the toaster. Prepare your preferred type of jam (and butter if you like)
Serve with Freshly brewed Traditional English Breakfast Tea, orange juice, or any beverage of your choice!
Bon appetit!
2 rashers bacon per person
mushrooms, wiped and peeled and stalks removed
tomatoes cut in half
whole-wheat toast
baked beans
oil for frying as preferred (can be omitted)
Lay the bacon in the pan (you can add a small amount of oil if you like, but I don't). When the bacon begins to cook, push them to one side in the pan and put the mushrooms in, adding a little water if necessary.
Keep turning the bacon, making sure they do not burn. When the bacon are cooked to your liking, remove then onto a plate and put in a warm oven.
Push the mushrooms aside in the pan and put in the tomatoes.
In the other pan bring some water to a boil and add a small amount of vinegar add salt. Poach the egg ( you can also fry it, but to reduce the oil needed I choose to poach the eggs)
Keep an eye on the mushrooms and tomatoes
Remove the mushrooms and tomatoes and put in the oven with the bacon
Using a fish slice remove the eggs, taking care not to break them, and put them on a plate
Put slices of bread in the toaster. Prepare your preferred type of jam (and butter if you like)
Serve with Freshly brewed Traditional English Breakfast Tea, orange juice, or any beverage of your choice!
Bon appetit!
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