I like my scramble eggs soft, creamy, or for the lack of descriptive words, "gooey". I could never forget les oeufs brouillés, French for scrambled eggs, that I had in Provence and in Québec. I remember my host family mom telling me that French people eat scrambled eggs that are "mushy". That must be when I started falling in love with the French-style scrambled eggs. The little secret (from Gordon Ramsay) to making THE perfect eggs is to start with a very low/medium heat and constant stirring and whisking, first. No oil is added but a bit of butter is thrown in with the eggs at the start of cooking. The butter helps glaze your eggs and gives it fantastic flavor. I don't use Crème fraîche on my eggs, I add either a tablespoon of milk or some fat-free Philadelphia cream cheese instead. And last but not least, I always like to add (gently fold in) either some chopped chives or green onions at the end to accentuate the flavour. But then you can mix in whatever other ingredients such as slices of smoked salmon.

前些日子下雪了 外面白茫茫的一片 不知道為什麼讓我突然很想吃滑嫩的炒蛋. 以前作炒蛋時 總覺得自己在不知不覺中把蛋煮過熟 可是又找不出原因 直到前幾天發現了Gordon Ramsay (榮獲米其林三顆星的英國名廚 之前主持了一個我還蠻愛看的電視節目: 地獄廚房Hell's Kitchen)的影片 其實完美炒蛋背後的小秘訣很簡單 大家可以試試
我喜歡吃的是法式炒蛋 有些人不太習慣 因為法式炒蛋 雖然非常滑嫩 入口即化 可是很濃稠 用台語說就是有點"ㄍㄜˊ ㄍㄜˊ" 的感覺
Sublime Scrambled Eggs
1. 拿2顆蛋直接剝殼 放入鍋子中 千萬不要先把蛋打好再丟入鍋中 也不要事先加鹽巴胡椒類的調味品 (這些都要最後加 否則會出水) 可先加奶油 讓炒蛋更加滑嫩順口
2. 這個步驟就是"秘密" 啦! 取一支塑膠或木製鏟子spatula 用中小火炒蛋 秘訣在於: a) 不要停止打蛋 要不停攪拌在鍋中的蛋 一直拌勻防止沾鍋 b) 要讓蛋不變老 過熟 就必須煮一下之後 把鍋子拿開瓦斯爐 讓餘溫自然將蛋炒熟 在放回爐子上一下下 重複這個步驟3-4次 這時候的蛋有些黏稠 濃濃的看起來還似乎半生不熟的感覺 不過千萬不要放回爐上喔!
3. 依個人喜好 加入適量1/2 tbsp Philadelphia low-fat cream cheese 低脂起司乳酪 不要停止攪拌 這是加入鹽巴胡椒 和少許蔥 也可以加入你喜歡的蔬菜或燻鮭魚

這樣就大功告成了! 這是我生平做過最成功的炒蛋 恰到好處的濕潤 起司乳酪帶給一般平凡炒蛋一種特殊 柔軟滑嫩的口感 蔥則增添了香氣 配上塗上一層薄薄橄欖油的烤麵包 和烤蔬菜 既有飽足感又健康
在家裡煮了一杯抹茶拿鐵 邊吃邊喝 一口炒蛋 一口咖啡 幸福地品嚐著溫暖冬日裡慵懶的早午餐

Served with a small green salad and some grilled caramelized onions, as well as a cup of soy matcha latte, the eggs were absolutely delicious!
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