今天午餐吃什麼? 冰箱裡剩的飯怎麼辦? 相信許多人第一個反應就是: 炒飯! 既簡單又豐富的炒飯其實是大有學問的. 不過對我這個不精通廚藝的人來說 炒飯就是一到香噴噴 又變化無窮的主食.... 沒有一定要加的材料 沒有規則 可你讓我盡情的"玩"! 所以總是懷抱著期待的心情去做滿每一盤炒飯 因為每一次的結果都讓我驚訝! 這可能就是炒飯的魔力吧~
Assorted Vegetable Fried Rice

1 bowl of rice*
1/4 cup of chopped carrots,
1/4 cup of chopped celery
1/4 cup of chopped or sliced onion
1 egg* (optional: you can pre-scramble the egg and set aside)
a pinch of salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and chili powder to taste
1/2 cup vegetable broth or simply water
a tiny dash of soy sauce for colour
2 minced/chopped garlic cloves
Heat a skillet and add about 1tsp of canola oil. Put in the chopped garlic cloves and onion and stir-fry until golden brown. Add all the vegetables, and the broth or water and bring to a boil. Wait until the veggies soak up the broth, then add the rice and combine well
Before serving, add salt, black pepper, and all the powder ingredients for taste
Then lastly the soy sauce for colour (otherwise it'd be too salty)
Then lastly the soy sauce for colour (otherwise it'd be too salty)
There you go!

* I personally prefer brown rice with assorted grains as in the pictures ( I buy the multi grain mixtures separately ; they come in packages at supermarkets, and just mix them with the rice before cooking)
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