今年萬聖節 恰巧遇上期中考 所以也不能穿上怪裡怪氣的costume 向小朋友般唉家挨戶地大聲叫著Trick or Treat!
南瓜在我的印象中其實是蠻模糊的 以前總覺得瓜類都大同小異
日本南瓜Japanese squash 特有的甜味讓我喜歡它更勝於南瓜 不過就如同地瓜 日本南瓜在我的心中是香香甜甜 而且溫暖..像它的顏色一樣的食物
媽媽總是蒸 或煮南瓜湯 雖然是很適合秋天的菜 不過既然是南瓜節 就是要吃點南瓜派...
所以囉 我又開始上網找尋完美的南瓜派 改了一下食譜後的結果出爐
外觀還不錯...我省略了派皮 但是在烤的時候外圍自然會比較接近咖啡色 也比較硬一些所以吃起還蠻有層次感 黃澄澄的南瓜餡很符合這個節日的氣氛 楓糖漿的甜味滲入裡面 淡淡的香味 不會甜膩 肉桂味也自然的散發出來 鬆鬆軟軟 綿綿密密的口感 混著一點點南瓜籽 有點脆脆的 是很配的組合
冰的話 有點像乳烙 涼涼的南瓜泥 濃濃的化在舌苔上
不過我比較喜歡熱熱的吃 hmmmmmm~

it's dangerously addictive! A lot of substitutions and experimenting were taking place in the kitchen, but I must say it turned out really well!
Guilt-less Pumpkin Pie
Guilt-less Pumpkin Pie
A (first 5)
1 1/4 cup non-fat yogurt
2 egg whites
2tbsp water
1 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/4 cups pureed or mashed cooked pumpkin (or winter squash)
2 tsp. baking powder
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/4 tsp. ginger powder
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1/2 tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 400 F. Spray a 9-inch deep dish pie pan with cooking spray. Put ingredients under "A" in the blender, and blend well.
Add the pumpkin, and puree. Add the remaining ingredients and blend on high for 2 minutes, stopping to scrape the sides a couple of times until a smooth consistency is achieved.
Decrease temperature to 350F. Pour into a pie pan and bake for about 60 minutes or until soft when pressed with the fingers (it will remain somewhat moist in the center, but it shouldn't be uncooked.)
Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the counter. Refrigerate until chilled before eating.
Tip: To prevent the custard from cracking, place the pie pan in a shallow dish of water while baking. This will give the pie a lighter and more souffle-like texture.
Makes 8 servings, each containing 154 Calories (kcal); 1g Total Fat; 3g Protein; 34g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 264mg Sodium; 3g Dietary Fiber.
original recipe from Fatfree VeganKitchen
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