
真是有感動到痛哭流涕呢!從來沒想過可以自己動手做的北京烤鴨這次也勇於挑戰了。費力又費時的過程最終還是值得的......因為真是令人懷念的味道啊! 只是不知道下次做北京烤鴨又會是什麼時候了。
不過喜歡吃巧克力的媽媽情有獨鍾的就是這款Chocolate Chunkers。雖然其貌不揚,但是很實在口味豐富~
在Dorie Greenspan網站在看到的食譜 經過一點點修飾之後做出來的香濃巧克力餅乾。沒有加奶油完全是利用不同的融化巧克力讓麵糊濕潤,蔓越莓跟apricot果乾則添加了酸酸天天的果香。最後加上大把的牛奶跟少許白巧克力以及核桃,讓口感更加有層次。吃起來介於布朗尼跟餅乾之間的感覺 (媽媽配著咖啡或茶 不知不覺就吃光光了)
Adapted from Baking From My Home to Yours
1. bittersweet 苦甜
2. unsweetened 無糖
3. semisweet 半甜
4. white 白
如果找不到前兩種巧克力可以使用黑巧克力 (大於 70%) 代替; 半甜則可用牛奶(milk chocolate)巧克力代替
Ingredients 材料
1/3 cup all-purpose flour 中筋麵粉
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 無糖可可粉
1/2 tsp salt 鹽
1/4 tsp baking powder 泡打粉
2 tbsp unsalted butter, cut into 2 pieces 2大匙無鹽奶油, 切成兩小塊
1 cup=
1 ounce unsweetened chocolate, coarsely chopped 無糖巧克力
2 large eggs, at room temperature 蛋
1/4 cup sugar 砂糖
1 tsp pure vanilla extract 純香草精
6 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped into chunks, or 1 cup store-bought chocolate chips or chunks 半甜巧克力, 切小塊
3 ounces premium-quality milk chocolate, chopped into chunks牛奶巧克力
3 ounces white chocolate, chopped into chunks白巧克力
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped nuts 切碎的核桃或胡桃
1 cup moist, plump raisins or finely chopped moist, plump dried apricots 葡萄乾 OR蔓越莓乾OR 切碎的杏桃乾
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. 烤箱預熱
2. Sift together the flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder. 麵粉過篩,拌入可可粉、鹽巴和泡打粉
3. Set a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Add the butter, bittersweet and unsweetened chocolate and heat, stirring occasionally, just until melted -- the chocolate and butter should be smooth and shiny but not so hot that the butter separates. Remove the bowl from the heat and set it on the counter to cool. 將奶油隔水加熱, 之後在同一個鍋子裡加入苦甜以及無糖巧克力,輕柔地攪拌到完全溶解。巧克力奶油呈現光滑有色澤,注意溫度不要過高導致油水分離。放置一旁冷卻。
4. With a stand mixer, beat the eggs and sugar together on medium-high speed for about 2 minutes, until they are pale and foamy. Beat in the vanilla extract將蛋以及砂糖放入大碗或鋼盆中,用電動攪拌機中高速打至起白色並起泡。打入香草精。
5. Reduce the mixer speed to low and add the melted butter and chocolate, mixing only until incorporated. With a rubber spatula, scrape down the bowl, then, on low speed, add the dry ingredients. Mix just until the dry ingredients disappear into the dough, which will be thick, smooth and shiny. Scrape down the bowl and, using the rubber spatula, mix in the semisweet and milk (or white) chocolate chunks, nuts and raisins. 電動攪拌機調至低速,慢慢拌入步驟3 的巧克力奶油。接著分幾次拌入步驟2的材料直到麵粉消失在巧克力糊裏面。用膠刮拌勻,記得把盤四週的粉也刮下來。接著加入半甜、牛奶、白巧克力、核桃、還有葡萄乾拌勻。
6. Drop the dough by generously heaping tablespoonfuls onto the baking sheets, leaving about an inch of space between the mounds of dough. 用挖冰淇淋的勺子挖出麵糰,放在舖好防沾紙的烤盤上。
7. Bake the cookies one sheet at a time for 10 to 12 minutes. The tops of the cookies will look a little dry but the interiors should still be soft. Remove the baking sheet and carefully, using a broad metal spatula, lift the cookies onto a cooling rack to cool to room temperature. 烘烤10~12分鐘。這時的餅乾看起來內裏黏軟,外面有點乾乾的。放至冷卻